Online School

onlineschooling #learning

Dear Parents

Kids will take time to adjust to this new way. So don’t panic and don’t let them panic.Don’t be bogged down by missing out on chapters from text books or portion.

This time is all about learning new ways of life. Failed log in attempts, bad connectivity, background noise all are the part of learning about problem solving and keeping clam.

Don’t worry about the whole time being wasted in just setting up a call.

Don’t think about exams, scores, marks and rankings yet.
They are learning life skills which are way important than academics.

These are challenging times for our teachers too.Teachers are also trying to connect with children by different mode. They are too setteling down with this new mode of teaching.Some might not be technical savy.So don’t judge them.
Infact help them support your children by educating your children with some etiquettes for online classes.
Put together some decscipline for your children when they are attending online school.

It’s a big challenging time for our children as much as for us.

Imagine they haven’t met their friends, teachers and have been out of school for a long time.
Don’t ignore their emotional well-being. Children might not complain about missing on their social life. But they need that social connect too.
Make sure they are connected to their friends through video calls.
We all know too much screen time is bad. But some screen time will help them keep entertained.

Again I know learning is important. But putting children into any online class available is not solution. Choose few online classes wisely. Don’t bombard them with free available workshops and lessons. It’s absolutely not needed.
Don’t forget They need some space too. Give them that #me time to just hangout in their rooms or beds.

parentingtips #stayhomestaysafe #dontblameteachers

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